Monday, November 12, 2007

There Are Not Words...

I have often said that my hair is my only feminine feature. Until Wednesday, November 7, 2007, I did not realize how true that statement was to me and how deep within my core it lives. I had Whitney take these pictures of me after Belinda cut my hair last April. I felt beautiful that day.

Whitney took these pictures of me at Mom's request after my most recent "deflowering." Be grateful for the somewhat darkened scene. It takes some of the shock out of it.

My new crown of golden tresses has elicted the following comments:

Holy _ _ _ _ !

It looks like you got your head caught in a paper cutter.


And other things not fit for human ears.

I know it seems petty, and I obviously have a much larger problem with vanity than I previously thought. And, yes, I will grow about a until then I will be perfecting my spinster school teacher look. Bring on the bobby pins!


jenhirr said...

head bands are cool too wizzy! I love you! I'm sorry about your hair though I must say, it's a little bit longer than I was expecting.

renwai said...

I am very glad you posted the "cut" pictures; I was imagining much worse. Though when you make the side by side comparison, it definitely is much shorter, it's not as bad as my conception. You are still beautiful. You are still beautiful.

charityeve said...

You never posted your reason for cutting your hair. Did you donate? Were you seeking liberation? The last time I chopped my hair, I felt liberated, then I missed it.

Jaren Watson said...

This reminds me of the sad time that I entrusted my tresses to Joey and he "accidentally" shaved off all my hair except for a monk's band around the sides and back. Aside from increased piety, my shorn bean gained me little more than solemn mockery. In other words, pipe it, lady, it could be worse. Much worse. You can't even tell you got your hair cut unless you're in the same room.

jenhirr said...

hey jaren! I remember that hair cut! You deserve another one now for telling my sis her feeelings aren't valid. Wait, does that mean your feelings aren't valid? Hmmm, I guess you and I are going to have to duke it out in a fudge-making contest when you come here! Are you up for it?

charityeve said...

Lisa, what would Derek want for Christmas??